Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Meet Bob Barr...

by jgr80

"In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." - Andy Warhol
Bob Barr is running for President of the United States. Recently, he won the right to run on the well-known Libertarian ticket.

Rather than comment on the circus that is the American politics, let's see what YouTube has to offer... Here is Barr on the stalwart, fair and balanced FoxNews. Notice the amazing..er... amusing interview skills of the reporter.

Hmm... a fairly justified and balanced argument from Mr. Barr... I like him.

What about his official statements...

Ok, ok... doesn't seem like he's running as technologically savvy a campaign as Obama, but he's part of the circus... The editing off the top suggests to me that the ad took somewhere in the range of 89 takes to finish, but hey, he's no professional actor, right!? The government should not be telling its "people how to run their businesses, buy their homes, educate their children..." Hmm.. yeah I think I like him.

Oh look, he is an actor...

Too bad he wasn't running back when the national Libertarian slogan was "a boarding school for every child, a kitchen for every wife, and a bar for every man." They could have just capitalized the 'b' and added an 'r'... it would have been the most dynamic and ironic slogan in political history. Best of luck, former Congressman. Watch out, McCain.

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