Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The World's - Part 3

by jgr80

Cosmic Carousal is not a hockey blog. Just so happens I've been spending a lot of time at the rink. There are actually a few other writers signed on to post, who will likely never mention hockey unless it is to make fun of my earlier posts. They will be here shortly.

This post is also related to hockey.

There are a lot of breaks in the games. There are the regular ones that anyone who understands hockey would expect... goals, whistles, period ends, etc. But with televised games, there are also commercials.

For all the millions of people watching around the world, there are thousands of people in the game arena. There's not enough time during a commercial to go for a beer. There's nothing happening on the ice. It's just enough time to make those drunk fans I blogged about the other day really upset.

Well, the jumbotron usually gets in on the action. Most of the time its a generic animation telling the fans to "make noise" or "get loud" or "clap hands." Some people pay attention to these (drunk fans), and the others (non-drunk fans) turn to whoever they're sitting with and jock-talk about the game.

Those pesky jumbotron guys likes to switch it up though. They do a 50/50 announcement. They do advertisements. They do replays. My personal favorite is the "Kiss Cam." Insert video here.

This was not even one of the more entertaining episodes of the IIHF "Kiss Cam." It was just the one that I was prepared to video. The things come without warning. I had been planning on it for a few games.

There is always a build-up in tension... Somehow the camera men are able to keep the funniest couple to the end.

During one game, they decided to put the two guys doing the stats work in the penalty box on the cam. Which was only funny to the people who knew them. I was lucky enough to be one of the people who found it funny.

One time they put two drunk male fans on screen. They didn't bite.

One time they put two females on screen. They bit. For about five seconds. It was cool.

Sometimes they put up people and no one realizes they're on screen. Like five couples in a row. No one kissing. The bit nosedives from the jumbotron right to centre ice. Then they go to canned footage of Homer and Marge making out at various times throughout The Simpsons.

But one time... they put a couple up on screen... one of the first ones, too, so it wasn't the big finish by any means... The guy on camera turns to the camera man, looks straight into the camera and says "SHE'S MY SISTER!" Dude was horrified. The crowd laughed harder than at anything else in any other game I was at.

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